17 Jul 2018

Tutorial - TTCombat Ruin Sector - construction of the buildings

I love MDF terrain and especially the TTCombat range. The only downside with the majority of terrains is that they are looking bit flat. In this tutorial I show how easy and quickly I added a bit variety to the TTCombat ruin sector buildings.

I decided to make the buildings taller so I glue together the small ruins on top of the bigger once.

Outer of the building

To add bit of character to the outer of the building I cut some foam board strips and glue to the walls.

First I decided to add some pieces to the windows for that I used toothpicks as separators and thin coffee stirrers for windowsill.

Using filler I dabbed it roughly with a brush on to the outer wall to create some texture for future painting.

Inner of the building

I think in poundland or other cheap shop I both some time ago thin foam sheets that are perfect for the floor. First I used pen and draw grid and after roughly cut the foam to the floor size and glue with PVA.

Last part was to mix some small foam leftovers sand, stones, black paint and PVA together and spread thru the floor.


  1. How thick was the foam you used for the flooring?

    1. It was very soft foam around 2mm.

  2. What filler did you use? Does it matter to much?
