20 May 2014

Terrain weekender - Weekend 4 & 5

It was a quite long brake in my work on Terrain Weekender due to personal traveling but last two weekends I manage to visit my local GW store.

12 May 2014

Monthly Challenges - April Summary / May Challenge

April has finished and it is time to do some summary of my work. I must say it was a very productive month.

4 May 2014

My old new blog

Finally I finished migrating most of the content from my previous tumblr blog. I decided to switch back to blogger/blogspot as it offers a little bit more options as a blogging platform. The template needs some more love but I will try to fix small issues in upcoming week. Now I'm working on the content as I haw few tutorials how I converted and painted some minis for my Warriors of Chaos army and some other stuff.

I also started a google plus profile.